Friday, July 14, 2006

Closet Conundrum

We thought we would give you a glimpse into Christian's closet. It continues to fill up. Not only are there many clothes, but also blankets, toys, shoes, diapers, diaper paraphernalia, bath paraphernalia, bottles, CDs, and DVDs. We've packed most of it into his closet. Some stuff is in our spare dresser, but most of it we have fit in the picture above. We also had a check-up yesterday. All continues to be well. We heard his heartbeat again and he seems to be gaining adequate weight. We both think that Christian has a little while longer to stay inside his Mom's tummy. At this point we are three weeks away from his due date. We are very anxious to meet him and see what he looks like. Sometimes we think Christian is ready to come out too, because he is rolling around in the womb. He often now responds to Tyler's voice, when he talks directly to the tummy. He also has jumped a couple times because of noises Tyler has made on Alyssa's stomach. Tyler thinks it's funny; Alyssa does not think it is funny. We'll be keeping you up to date as we move along.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow you guys! That's a lot of stuff! How exciting. I just googled your name Tyler to find this! How fun! Talk to you soon! Enjoy these last few days without super amounts of responsiblity!! Everythings about to change.... :)