Friday, July 07, 2006

The Countdown Begins

With the birth of our first son, Christian Thomas Sultze, less then a month away (Lord willing) there is nothing but excitement and anticipation in the Sultze house. It is a regular occurance for us to head over to the spare room closet and look at all of Christian's "stuff." The closet used to be filled with our stuff, but now Christian's loot has taken over half of the closet. It's amazing how much "stuff" a little baby can acquire and still be in the womb. Alyssa's doctor, Dr. Vanover, has predicted that Christian will be born sometime the end of July and will weigh somewhere in the six pound range. We are holding her to that prediction. After all she has been a doctor for how many years? We really know that the Lord has the timing of Christian's birth already laid out. How sweet it is to rest in knowing Christian's life, as well as our own lives, are in the Almighty's soveriegn, omnipotent, and omniscient hands. With Christian on our minds, I am sure he will dominate the posts! We can tell he already has some attitude.
(Above is a picture of Christian's little foot.)

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