Saturday, July 22, 2006

The New Arrival

Yesterday was a big day in the Sultze house, our camcorder came in the mail. We have waited a week for it. It was purchased to capture family moments with the kids. Our first project is trying to film Christian's movement in Alyssa's belly. We tried to get him moving last night, but he was a little camera shy. After we put the camera away though, he came right to life and was moving all over the place. The camera is quite cool because it records straight to DVD's. We can just pop it in a DVD player then and watch anything we've recorded.
We are still on the countdown for Christian. Yesterday was the two week mark until the due date. Our bags are packed and ready to go to the hospital whenever the time arrives. Last night we also added more clothes to his closet because Old Navy was have a pretty sweet sale. It's crazy to imagine that someone will be here to fill those clothes pretty soon!

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